
Output files can by default created in plain text format, but can also be set to netcdf by changing the flag i_write_nc to .True.


The file “results_daily.txt” is an output file from VOM, containing daily weather, flux and state variable data in ascii format, e.g.:

fyear Day of the year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
nhour Last hour of day
rain Daily rain fall in mm/d
tairmax Daily max. Air temp in °C
tairmin Daily min. Air temp in °C
par Photosynthetically active Photon Flux Density (in mol m-2 d-1)
vd Daily average atmospheric vapour deficit (in mol mol-1)
esoil Daily soil evaporation rate (m d-1)
jmax25t Electron transport capacity at 25oC by trees (in mol m-2 s-1)
jmax25g Electron transport capacity at 25oC by grasses (in mol m-2 s-1)
pc Area fraction covered by grasses and trees combined
rl Daily leaf respiration rate by trees and grasses combined (in mol m-2 d-1)
lambdat dE/dA in trees, in mol/mol
lambdag dE/dA in grasses, in mol/mol
rrt Daily root respiration rate by trees (in mol m-2 d-1)
rrg Daily root respiration rate by grasses (in mol m-2 d-1)
asst CO2 uptake rate by trees (in mol m-2 d-1)
assg CO2 uptake rate by grasses (in mol m-2 d-1)
su_avg Average soil saturation degree in the unsaturated zone at midnight (dimensionless)
zw Thickness of the saturated zone (in m)
ws Total soil water storage (in m)
spgfcf Daily seepage face flow (=subsurface runoff, in m d-1)
infx Dail infiltration excess runoff (in m d-1)
etmt Daily transpiration rate by trees (in m d-1)
etmg Daily transpiration rate by grasses (in m d-1)
su_1 Soil saturation degree in the top soil layer at midnight (dimensionless)
topt Optimal temperature for photosynthesis (in oC)
ncp_g Daily Net Carbon profit grasses (in mol m-2)
ncp_g Daily Net Carbon profit trees (in mol m-2)


fyear Day of the year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
nhour Hour
rain Rainfall rate in m/s
tair Air temp in °C
par Photosynthetically active Photon Flux Density (in mol m-2 s-1)
vd Atmospheric vapour deficit (in mol mol-1)
esoil Hourly soil evaporation rate (m h-1)
jmax25t Electron transport capacity at 25oC by trees (in mol m-2 s-1)
jmax25g Electron transport capacity at 25oC by grasses (in mol m-2 s-1)
pc Area fraction covered by grasses and trees combined
mqt Tissue water content in trees (in kg m-2)
rl Leaf respiration rate by trees and grasses combined (in mol m-2 s-1)
lambdat dE/dA in trees, in mol/mol
lambdag dE/dA in grasses, in mol/mol
rr Rroot respiration rate by trees and grasses combined (in mol m-2 s-1)
asst Hourly CO2 uptake rate by trees (in mol m-2 h-1)
assg Hourly CO2 uptake rate by grasses (in mol m-2 h-1)
zw Thickness of the saturated zone (in m)
ws Total soil water storage (in m)
spgfcf Hourly seepage face flow (=subsurface runoff, in m h-1)
infx Hourly infiltration excess runoff (in m h-1)
etmt Daily transpiration rate by trees (in m h-1)
etmg Daily transpiration rate by grasses (in m h-1)
su_1 Soil saturation degree in the top soil layer at midnight (dimensionless)


nyear Year
rain Annual rainfall (mm/year)
par Photosynthetically active Photon Flux Density (in mol m-2 s-1)
srad Global solar irradiance (in MJ m-2 a-1)
vd Yearly average vapour deficit (in mol mol-1)
esoil Yearly soil evaporation rate (m/year)
etmt Yearly transpiration rate by trees (in m/year)
etmg Yearly transpiration rate by grasses (in m/year)
assg CO2 uptake rate by seasonal vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
asst CO2 uptake rate by trees (in mol m-2 a-1)
rlg Leaf respiration rate by seasonal vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
rrg Root respiration rate by seasonal vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
rlt Leaf respiration rate by perennial vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
rrt Root respiration rate by perennial vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
cpccg Carbon costs related to water distribution and storage for seasonal vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
tcg Carbon costs related to maintenance of gras foliage (in mol m-2 a-1)
cpcct Carbon costs related to water distribution and storage for perennial vegetation (in mol m-2 a-1)
tct Carbon costs related to maintenance of tree foliage (in mol m-2 a-1)


The file “rsurf_daily.txt” is an output file from VOM, containing a midnight snapshots of the root surface distributions in the soil profile in ascii format.

As the number of soil layers also depends on given soil depth, this file has a variable number of columns. These columns do not have their own variable names. They are all saved within and behind the last variable name (rsurft_sublayer), e.g.:

fyear Year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
rsurft_sublayer Root surface area density (root surface area per unit soil volume) in each soil layer (in m2 m-3 d-1)


The file “ruptkt_hourly.txt” is an output file from VOM, containing hourly root water uptake rates in each soil layer during the last few years of the model run in ascii format.

As the number of soil layers also depends on input given soil depth, this file has a variably number of rows. These rows don’t have their own variable names. They are all saved within and behind the last variable name (delyusublayer), e.g.:

fyear Year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
ruptkt_sublayer Root water uptake rate in each soil layer (in m h-1)


The file “su_hourly.txt” is an output file from VOM, containing hourly soil saturation degrees in each soil layer during the last few years of the model run in ascii format.

As the number of soil layers also depends on input given soil depth, this file has a variably number of rows. These rows don’t have their own variable names. They are all saved within and behind the last variable name (su_sublayer), e.g.:

fyear Year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
su_sublayer Soil saturation degree in each sublayer (1.0 means fully saturated)


The file “delz_hourly.txt” is an output file from VOM, containing the thickness of each unsaturated soil layers in ascii format.

As the number of soil layers also depends on the position of the water table, this file has a variable number of rows. These rows do not have their own variable names. They are all saved within and behind the last variable name (delz_sublayer), e.g.:

fyear Year
fmonth Month of the year
fday Day of the month
nday Day of the model
delz_sublayer Thickness of each unsaturated soil layer (in m)