Meteorological forcing

The file “dailyweather.prn” is an input file for the VOM, containing all meteorologicald data:

Dcum Day of the year Integer
Day Day of the month Integer
Month Month of the year Integer
Year Year Integer, 4 digits
T.Max Daily max. Air temp in °C Decimal, #.##
T.Min Daily min. Air temp in °C Decimal, #.##
Rain Daily rain fall in mm Decimal, #.##
Radn Global solar irradiance in MJ/m2 Decimal, #.##
VP Water vapour pressure in hPa Decimal, #.##
Pres air pressure in hPa Decimal, #.##
Ca ambient air CO2 concentration in µmol Decimal, #.##

The first line contains the variable names and is omitted when reading the file. All fields are 8 characters long and need to be filled from behind, e.g.:

NOTE: when creating your own dailyweather.prn, make sure the alignments are exactly the same as the example input I.e. in the following format: %8.0f%8.0f%8.0f%8.0f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f%8.2f